Time to change...
A very smart woman once told me that when making value or ethical choices, it is far better to err on the side of caution. So, anytime we are unsure of the facts of a situation, it is better to act in the most ethical way to ensure the best outcome. So, is global warming as dire as some say? I don't know. But, I do think we are better to err on the side of caution, especially when the worst scenario is so horrible. Even if you can't change everyone else's behavior, you can always change your own. World change happens, one heart, one mind at a time. Here are some further things for your consideration.
Educate yourself. And if you care, than make a change.
If you can't feed the world, feed one person -- Mother Theresa
If you can't change the world, change yourself.
A mother once brought her child to see Ghandi. She asked Ghandi to tell the child to stop eating sugar. Ghandi told the mother to bring the child back in two weeks. Two weeks later, when the mother came with her child, Ghandi looked at the kid and said sternly, "Stop eating sugar!". The perplexed mother said, "how come you couldn't have told him that two weeks ago when we were here?!?". Ghandi looked at her and replied, "Two weeks ago, I was still eating sugar...". So, I won't lecture as a hypocrite =]. I have signed up for the recurring payment to carbon fund to offset my carbon footprint. $99 dollars is a lot of money to most people. But I dare you to look back at your bank or credit card statement for the past year and see if you didn't waste $99 dollars somewhere else along the way... Hey, at least this is tax deductible.